Monday, June 22, 2009

Celebrities and Nantucket!

Celebrities love to be seen. The gossip magazines don't like to keep them hidden. We don't like to keep them hidden. Actually when you spot one, the first instinct is to pull out the camera phone and click. Then there it goes into the world wide web for everyone to see. They must be used to the life in front of camera, the iphone, the blackberry some say, but I believe there are times they want to be left alone. Take Meg Ryan for example. Surely she didn't publicized it that she was on Nantucket a couple days ago. I didn't see E! or People around here,or any paparazzi following her but of course somebody spotter her and announced it. Surely twitter, facebook, or somebody's blog announced that she was here. Yes, some of us spotted her and some had to talk about it. I don't understand.

There are several well know people who summer and visit here, but rarely does any of the locals bother them for an autograph. We know that some of them do make it on TMZ when they least expect it. Read the truth here.

Please leave them alone at least while they're here, 30 miles away from all the glitz and glamour. And if you have an iphone or a blackberry or anything that has a camera please capture the beauty of this island and not every celebrity that comes here. This isn't Hollywood, or New York, or LA!

This is Nantucket people! For the love of celebrity, leave them alone!

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